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15 reports about 800-319-1083

Received a phone call from 800-319-1083? Report here
Amy Bencivenga 1st Aug, 2011+0
kfly 1st Aug, 2011+0
ACS Group. Summons has been issued for me. How do I get their address? They WOULD NOT give ANY information about themselves.
TC 27th Jul, 2011+0
I'm tired of these invasive, almost daily phone calls. I do not do business of the phone unless I initiate it! Remove my number! This is my 2nd request! Also, under your line 'Subscribe', receive is spelled incorrectly. Did you not learn the "i before e except after c" rule in school? Morning Glory
mrsa 25th Jul, 2011+0
I got a phone call from this number and I don't usually answer numbers I don't know. So....I am reporting it
Collins 24th Jul, 2011+0
two or three calls a day, every day. please stop.
ddd 24th Jul, 2011+0
don't answer
C. 22nd Jul, 2011+0
They mentioned the last 4 digits of my credit card. This scared me.
pierre 21st Jul, 2011+0
He is calling from the US Justice Dept. my name was given as a referral and I am liable for whatever is going on with the person that provided my name
rambi197 21st Jul, 2011+0
4 calls today..
Jeanette 21st Jul, 2011+0
Caller keeps calling. Never leaving a message or responding when answered. Nothing happens when called back.
furnguy 20th Jul, 2011+0
When you dial this number, the rep can help you. You do need to give her your phone number to have it removed. This is a switchboard, and the rep has NO INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. The rep DOES NOT make out-bound calls, and IS NOT the one who called and hung up. The rep can let the supervisor know if you were treated rudely. Again, you have to provide your phone number. Feel free to yell--the volume control works great. You'll still get helped, but the rep will not be so nice after she is yelled and cussed at for something she didn't do. Continue to hang up, also--it's one less jerk the rep has to deal with.
The Lady 18th Jul, 2011+0
Number keeps calling me from Phoenix. Never leaves a message. I called it back and they answered CABLE ONE.
gm 11th Jul, 2011+0
This person has a foreign accent and said that I or my attorney needed to call back immediately or there would be consequences. He did not say what it was about. He did make threats in regards to arrest and/or taking to court. I've had calls like this in the past, but from different numbers and always the person had a foreign accent. I've reported these calls several times to FCC and to my state agency, but nothing happens.
Casey 3rd Jul, 2011+0
no message left
Mad Viking 30th Jun, 2011+0
I picked up, no answer, the caller hung up after 10 secs , i called back , Verizon wireless sais this number has been disconnected ... Wierd ...

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